
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The flailing of the cellphone

I have a new cellphone. It’s white and red and oh so purdy. It’s my firstest ever walkman phone. I remember my first walkman. It was pink and not a phone at all. I listened to Alice Cooper on it. The other kids liked Bonnie Tyler and A-ha. They thought I was weird, even though I listened to A-ah too. I even had a George Michael poster from his funky-sunglasses-and-leather-jacket period on my wall and every now and then I would give it a little kiss. That was before my gaydar kicked in. Then again, who had proper gaydar in the 80s, anyways?

But I digress.

There is a certain chance that I may have been weird for other reasons, of course. I suppose I might still be slightly tinged with weirdness. But normalcy is so…boring. Who notices normal people, really?

What was I talking about?

Oh, right. My new phone. I had to stuff it full of music right away, of course, and test it. There’s a little, shiny button on the side of it and music starts playing when you push it. Then, if I hold the shiny in and move the phone upwards through the air, the volume gets louder. If I move it downwards, it gets lower. If I move it to the right, it plays the next track and if I move it to the left, it plays the previous track.

How’s that for fancy-pants?

The downside is that it doesn’t really respond well to subtle movements. These days, for instance, I can be seen waiting for the bus while flailing my phone like a madwoman. But like I said: nobody notices normal people.

Have a little something from my pink walkman days:


Adele said...

My first walkman was pink and contained A ha Scoundrel Days. I had four of their albums and can still remember far too many lyrics. Also, Morton still does it for me. ;)

Jocelyn said...

Your phone is, like, from the year 2013. It's that advanced.

I know what you mean about no one having a gaydar in the '80s. Just ask all my boyfriends of the '80s, most of whom are happily shacked up now with men named Peter.

Mr Mister said...

George, you say? I'll have to remember that in the future if I need to blackmail you :P

lime said...

yeah, ok, so i am a dork. i see that pic and the first thing i notice is the awesome guitar.

anyway, the image of you having a spazz attack with you rphone at the busstop is making me giggle now.

Big Brother said...

I got an iPhone this summer that does pretty much everything but change the grandkid's diapers... (my son does that ;o)) so I can understand what it's all about, mind you I don't wait at bus stops waving my arms in the air... if someone makes a comment you should just say that you're practising for you gig as guest conductor with the Berlin Philharmonic...

Jazz said...

I haven't yet got to the point of getting a cell phone - yes, I'm the only holdout in the known universe - however, we did get two iPods on vacation - a classic which holds all our music and a nano. It has games. I am impressed - and a little afraid it will rule my life.

Anonymous said...


choochoo said...

Hagelrat - as long as he doesn't speak. The man's nuttier than a cereal bar...

Jocelyn - maybe if you'd changed your name to Peter things would have been different today.

Mister mister - I have more ammo on you than you'll ever have on me. Don't mess with me! :P

Lime - after this post I'm still not the dork? Who'd have thunk it :D

Big brother - Good idea! :D

Jazz - just wait until you get a cell phone, then you'll REALLY be worried.

Anonymous - aaaaalrightythen...