
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Farewell, cruel world!

Because I'm at death's door, see. I'm sick. Terribly, horribly sick. I have...the man-flu. Equal opportunities, and all that. Unfortunately, I don't get to whine and complain anywhere near as much as I'd like, because my voice is gone. Completely, absolutely vanished. Can't even make a squeaky sound.

As if that wasn't enough, Pooch is bored and has decided to spend all her time staring at me. Whenever I try to tell her to go lie down, no sound comes out and she thinks it's a new game. Then I try to use arm movements, which leads her to think that I've thrown something fun and she'd better go get it. When she fails to find anything, the whole song and dance starts all over again.

Also, I'm constantly stuffing myself with throat lozenges, because that is my way of clinging to sanity. Do you know what happens when you eat unnatural amounts of throat lozenges in a short period of time? Gas, that's what! Mister Choochoo has dubbed me Fart-Burp-Monster...

This week is stupid and I wish it would just go away. At least the weather is nice. Oh, wait...


Anonymous said...

It's not man-flu. We all know man-flu is a regular old cold that we don't even stop for. This is WOMAN-Flu. No man could even deal with it.

Secret Agent Woman said...

Jazz is right - Man-flu's don't compare. Get well soon!

Ian Lidster said...

You can't have man-flu unless you have man bits, and I'm pretty sure you don't. I mean, I don't know personally, but assume that's the case. So, if you have woman flu that means you can get up and tend to the house and even go to work. I think that's the way it works. Anyway, get well soon. Flu in whatever gender form is highly unpleasant.

Jocelyn said...

Aww, honey. Are there any antibiotic type things you could get on?

Feel better.