
Thursday, February 16, 2012

After a full night of snoring...

You know how sometimes you wake up in the morning, and your throat feels as if you tried to swallow a porcupine without chewing? And you have this sneaking suspicion that you might have broken the sound barrier a few times during the night with truly epic snores? And you kinda glance guiltily over at your spouse/partner/realdoll lying next to you in bed, sleeping soundly but maybe looking a little pale?

Welcome to my morning! I'm also feeling a bit...oxygen starved. Nothing a 6x espresso won't fix. Then maybe I can come up with a clever plot to still be lovable by the time Mr Choochoo gets up, despite having snored like a wilderbeast all night long.

If I could only get out of this chair...


Jazz said...

I thought you never snored...

What the hell, TWO word verifications now?

Jocelyn said...

Do you have a sleep apnea? If you could get diagnosed with one, you could get a mask thingie with a huge marine-type battery to power it...which is hugely sexy. Go for it.

choochoo said...

Jazz - two? They're breeding?

Jocelyn - I don't, but you make it sound so glamorous, I might have to get me some of that

Secret Agent Woman said...

Your blog has an ad for a stop snoring retainer thingy. Did you know that?

@Jazz - Blogger has developed an evil new dual nearly-illegible word verification. I hate it! I don't know what possessed them.